Prince's handwritten notes to Doug Henders outlining the characters he wanted depicted on the album cover, written on the back of Purple Rain tour itinerary

Prince's handwritten notes to Doug Henders outlining the characters he wanted depicted on the album cover, written on the back of Purple Rain tour itinerary

Wall mural painting of 'the Face' - When Doves Cry Video
Wall mural of 'the Face' in Prince's bedroom - Purple Rain movie

'the Face' stage curtain - Purple Rain tour

'the Face' inner sleeve - Purple Rain album

'When Doves Cry' video

Study for 'The Face'
spray paint / pencil on paper
11" x 14"
Study for 'The Face'
spray paint / pencil on paper
11" x 14"
Study for 'The Face'
spray paint / pencil on paper
11" x 14"
Study for 'The Face'
spray paint / pencil on paper
11" x 14"
Study for 'The Face'
pencil on paper
11" x 14"
Origin of the "Cloud Suit"